Change Agents

The Nutland family are a “Change Agent” in the lives of these orphans

We went to a village to drill a well, upon  arrival we found two non-functioning wells drilled by the UN several years earlier. We asked, “Has anyone tried to repair these wells?” The answer was a shockingly quick and simple, “No”. The obvious follow-up, “Why?” was just as quick and the answer very revealing. “If we fix the well our neighbors will just break it and we will lose our money.”

There was no concept of working together as a community to repair the wells by sharing the cost. Why? Because: 1) No commanding authority required them to contribute and took charge of the project. 2) They would not trust anyone to collect the funds and use them with integrity.

This is a major role of the church. Often just a social event will break bondages of bitterness and open people to healing entire communities. Again, this is “Better felt than telt”.  The Nutland family from Union Church in Hong Kong has been the catalyst of change in the community of Oral.
