Treng Throyang

Treng Throyang

Treng Throyang Church Orphan Home is located in the Kompong Speu Province along highway 4.

Kompong Speu numbers about 35,000 people. Kompong Speu is not a very productive province agriculturally as it is prone to sever weather conditions. Lumber used to be a major source of economic livelihood, but the area has been largely deforested over the past 26 years. Many of the residents are unemployed and poverty is a major problem. AIDS, childbirth complications, malaria and poor health care facilities have led to a large population of orphan children.

The Treng Tra Yeng home is the 7th home opened by Foursquare Children of Promise in Cambodia in late 2009. It is located about one hour from Phnom Penh along highway 4 leading to the coast. The area appears lush, but is vulnerable to flood and drought making farming and in general earning a living is quite difficult. To bring a small income, locals often cut bits of wood in the nearby forest to make charcoal or run simple shops in the market selling items they have gathered from the forest or grown in their small gardens.

Every morning at 5:30am the children and staff arise and all participate in a group devotional study, consisting of a time of praise and worship, prayer, and studying the bible. After devotions, the children that are old enough, go to public school. After school all the children help with the chores around the home, and then they enjoy playing soccer, marbles, and Cambodian game.

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