

The Olalai Church Orphan Home is located in tribal Rattanakiri. This province situated in the mountain region borders Vietnam in the east and Laos in the north.Rattanakiri consists of many tribes which collectively speak eight different dialects of Khmer. The tribal pastor speaks many of the dialects. The children also speak the dialect(s) in the villages and are being taught Khmer that is spoken in the city.

Farming and logging are a main source of income for the local population. They hunt using crossbows with poison-tipped bamboo arrows. Many still wear traditional tribal costumes, which include sarongs, tattooed faces, and ivory tusk earrings in their elongated earlobes.

The Olalai Home begin their day with a morning devotional. After Bible study, worship, and prayer, they gather to eat fish soup with bamboo shoots and vegetables.

Some children go to school in the morning, and others attend after lunch. When the children are not in school, they help with house chores, take naps, or play games. The children enjoy playing soccer, Cambodian games, and learning traditional dances.

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