

The Or Ral family lives together in a Church Orphan Home in Cambodia’s Kompong Speu Province.The home is in a quiet, rural area, surrounded by fields where farmers grow rice, and raise cattle. The province is also known for producing great fruit, juice and palm sugar, harvested from palm trees. Other than a few grass dwellings, it is at a central location with many small villages surrounding it. Many church members make a living by farming, producing charcoal, or logging in the nearby mountains.

These forest areas are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Those that live and work in this area are very susceptible to mosquito born illnesses resulting in many orphaned children. Children also lose parents to other diseases because they do not have access to medical facilities or cannot afford treatment.

Soon after the church was built, in the mid 2006, it was the setting of a massive effort to physically and spiritually heal the villagers of the area.

On a typical day, the children wake up at 5 a.m. to wash up and prepare for the day. They meet for a morning devotional where they worship, pray, and study the Bible as a group. After breakfast, some of the children go to school while others wait and go to school in the afternoon. When they are not in school, they do chores around the home, attend a Khmer language class that meets in the church, sing songs, and play with the other children. The children like to play with toys and to swing on their swing set. They also enjoy volleyball and soccer. Everyday, the children and caregivers meet to eat lunch and dinner as a family.

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