Construction Team

The second law of thermodynamics could be defined this way: “Everything naturally moves from an orderly state to a more chaotic state.” That certainly is the case with our Church Homes. When you couple our harsh environment with a couple dozen kids doing what they do naturally, a beautiful new building can spiral into a chaotic state in a few years. The “Jaw” home was getting a little beat up, but along came the “Anthem Team” from Living Waters Church and they brought “Shalom”, not only to the building but to the lives of orphaned and separated children. It is easy for them to feel traumatized and insignificant though being looked at through they eyes of a karmic culture, which considers them cursed. When a team shows up there is an attitude shift from that of the victim, to one of, “I’m so significant that these people came half way around the world just to see me!” That’s “Shalom!”
