
Praying for people oppressed by unclean spirits

A woman named Channy snuck into one of the Randy Clark meetings uninvited. She came to the meetings a desperate woman. Channy saw so many healings taking place she gave her heart to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Her home is about 40 kilometers from Phnom Penh where she overheard the local pastor, Meas Meiy, talk about the meetings. Her husband, On Touch, was the local shaman (witch doctor) and he was so demonized that he’d go up into the mountains on several occasions each month and live in caves for days at a time. During these times he would be so tormented he would cut himself on the body and face with rocks. His body became scarred and deformed.

Channy returned home and told her husband about the power she had seen demonstrated and about her new God. He was not interested and was upset because during Channy’s absence the family’s six cows had been lost. Channy, now knowing the Lord, prayed for His help. That night she heard the Lord tell her where the cows would be found at the foot of a nearby mountain. It was midnight but she followed His word and found the Cows just as He had said. On Touch was so impressed by this he began to ask about this God when the Lord gave him the name, “Meas Meiy”. Just then in walked Pastor Meas Meiy, a man he’d never before met.

On Touch received Christ and began hauling out his mounds of shrines, idols, and anything related to his spirit practice and burned them. The Lord’s peace came over him and within days all his deformities and scars had healed. He has led most of his extended family to Christ and one relative, born deaf was healed instantly and many other healings took place.
