Dr. Derrick’s Adventure


Dr. Derrick Dauplaise worked overtime, examining patients in 44 church homes

Doctors from the USA and Cambodia teamed up to form a medical mission that was based in Bantemeanchy. They saw the kids and staff from 13 church homes, the staff from our rice farm, and dozens of impoverished patients. Headed up by Dr. Mike Callan (a member of our Board of Directors) and Dr. Derrick Dauplaise, both veterans of several previous trips, and assisted by our own staff doctors Lina and Ratta, and several Cambodian volunteers.

Sam Tolle, our “Teams Specialist”, took care of the logistics. People were prayed for, led to the Lord, and some healed without medicine. But, everyone who came was cared for. Thank you all!

Dr. Derrick stayed for another two weeks, and with Dr. Lina visited an additional 31 church homes. They went through $5000 worth of medications, put on a lot of miles, and repaired a few tires in their 14-16 hour days. “We saw a little bit of everything”, commented Dr Derrick, “but count me all-in!” Great is your reward!
