Dr.Mike’s Dental Team


Dr. Mike Callan, Professor of Orthodontics, at the University of Iowa, and private practitioner in Clinton, Iowa has made 19 trips to Cambodia. He and his teams of dentists have seen every church home in Cambodia at least once and many twice. He usually travels under Medical Teams International but is a faithful member of the Clinton, Iowa Foursquare Church. He has usually been accompanied by Gary Houzenga, who also hails from Clinton. Dr. Mike serves on our FCOP Int’l Board of Directors and this visit treated children and staff  from 12 church homes, along with church and community members of the surrounding area. Our FCOP kids have the best teeth of any sample group you’d want to pull from the Kingdom of Cambodia. Dr. Mike’s taught Dr. Ratha, the FCOP staff dentist orthodontics, which makes him very unique in Cambodia.

