God Imparted Vision

Church Orphan Home Renovation

There is such a thing as “God imparted vision.” I state that as a self-assured fact, even if you do disagree with me. The point is that this is a gift, and it is not easily blurred, tarnished or destroyed. Quite frankly, the orphan ministry can be a real pain. Yes, there are abundant rewards, and we don’t talk much about the negatives; kids who lie to you, steal from you, pastors that cheat, government harassment, extortion, lack of finances, kids with their hormones out of control, grannies who “loose it” and slap a kid, etc.

I don’t know how many times I’ve been approached by leaders in the Church begging me to, “Just do Spiritual stuff and forget these orphans!” At those times I feel a little like the “Lone Ranger.” I know that our Cambodian blessing has flowed from meeting the urgent need, (Titus 3:14) that emanates from the heart of God, (Jas. 1:27) which draws people to Christ, producing the fruitfulness that manifests the promise of provision proclaimed by Christ  (Jn 15:16b). Now that is a theological mouth-full, and if you digest it you’ll be dangerous to the devil.

These are our own orphan kids rebuilding one of their homes.
