
Short-term mission teams are a welcome help in Cambodia.

Short-term mission teams are a welcome help in Cambodia.

Mission teams are our lifeline. They think they come to impart a little and receive a lot. I’ve never seen a single team leave disappointed, but they impart much more than just the financial resources and their skills. They leave our kids with new relationships that they will carry for a lifetime; “Someone from half-way around the world cared enough about this “Stray Dog’ (Slang term for orphan in Cambodia) to come to see me and help me!”

We already hosted two teams this month in addition to the “Living Water Team” which is on the ground now. East Valley Christian Center did a major re-hab at the Snule Trait church home and Medical Teams International brought several of our old friends back with Dr. Canfield for a very busy dental clinic at Phsar Chas.  “Thank you!” is much too little to say. Have a great 2014! We are off to a great start!
