Pastor Healed of Terminal Liver Disease



Mak Sou and Office Staff pray for Healing

After our financial miracle, Sou had a dream that God was going to do another miracle.  We received word that one of our top pastors from near the Vietnam border was dying. He’d been to a local hospital and the doctor gave him the words you never want to hear, “There is nothing we can do. Go home and prepare to die.” We put his name up on our prayer board, and Dr Lina, our staff physician, asked that he be transported to our hospital for further examination.

When the pastor arrived, Dr. Lina examined him and confirmed that his liver was shut down. He said, “It’s hard as a rock”. So Dr. Lina brought him to our office for prayer. I had left, to go to the bank, when the pastor was carried in. His bodily functions had shut down. Sou laid her hands on him, and with the staff praying, commanded life to come into that liver and declared him healed in the name of Jesus. His liver softened immediately. He sat up, excused himself, and went to the bathroom. He came back excited and smiling, as he hadn’t been able to relieve himself for days. He’s back at work winning lost souls and preaching the Kingdom of God.

