Pure Water


Clean drinking water flows from a newly installed water filtration unit installed at FCOP’s rice mill.

 Drinking water in many locations is a big problem and our rice farm has no well. The geology of Cambodia will not support wells in many locations around the “Great Lake.” It is like drilling a hole in a giant block of cheese, there is no lateral movement, so wells simply don’t work. Our water source is a pond (reservoir) void of fish and ducks, but covered with aquatic weeds. The water is a murky green color. We were having to buy drinking water in 20 liter bottles at $1.00US per bottle for about 60 people, including the Balang church/ home. The “Booshway Boys” obtained a $7,000.00US, state of the art, filtration system form Colorado, and installed it at the rice farm. Even after filtering the water through two giant sand and charcoal filters the water still looked like green tea. After putting it through the new filter it was crystal clear. We took samples for testing, but I was convinced and chugged the first 500 ml bottle. The rest of the guys followed, none of us were sick and the tests all came back with zero on bacteria and heavy metals. We figure our cost is about $0.03 per 20 liter jug. We may have a new business.

