The Big Picture

Local Leaders Pass On What They Learn

Each of the 123 District and Divisional leaders teach what they have learned to another 30, or more, local leaders.  I pray these people of “Vision” are out there. I don’t mean someone who ‘believes in it, ‘will die to see it happen’, or, ‘desires it with all their heart’. I’m looking for a person who knows it is a certain reality, and sees themselves as centrally involved.

Here is what I’ve seen, and please forgive me if it sounds self engrandizing; I honestly see it this way. it’s just that I know; this is real! Here is what I’ve seen in my mind, in my dreams, it has become part of me: I see through a thick fog, a lone man on a horse, he is a soldier with a drawn cutlas, somehow I know it is me, though I cannot make out the facial features.

I see the rider wheeling the horse left and right looking for the army which follows. Then, through the fog, slowly appears a few mounted officers, then an army, first just a few, then an uncountable, invincible, multitude. I know it is Cambodia.
