Waring Principalities!



This is a month for “Harvey Minderbinder” of  “Catch 22” fame (He must be the devil’s spawn). Harvey became convinced that the greatest joy in life was to live a long. But, alas! He discovered the only thing that made life seem really long was when he was miserable. Thus, the poor conflicted Harvey, was only happy when he was miserable. Harvey must have been a happy guy much of this month!

Battling “principalities” is not my preferred sport. I received a call from one of the true “Prophets” that has spoken into my life, Bill Norton. It was 3:00AM his time. I asked him, “What are you doing up at this time of night?” He explained that he’d been sleeping, but was awakened by one of the most startling and vivid dreams of his life. He saw Satan pouring gasoline on womb of a pregnant woman and preparing to light her on fire. God told him, “Satan wants to destroy the womb of Christianity in Cambodia.”

Bill knew that FCOP was the target. He said, “Call your people to fasting and prayer, and you shall prevail, but this time we are not just facing the demonic, but a principality of evil. Mak Sou and I had the staff get on the phones and call every divisional office to alert our churches and issue a call to prayer. We are still doing battle.
