Shanon’s Miracle

Shanon Hladek is the newest addition to the FCOPI team and when she first came to Cambodia, she was using a cane to help with balance in order to walk after having brain surgery a few years ago to control seizures that were destroying her life. The doctors literally removed part of her right temporal lobe. Now because of the faith and prayers of our team, and especially the kids, she is able to walk and unload boxes of MannaPack rice nutrition meals just like everyone else. She seems totally normal in every way and has become a valued member of the FCOP staff. We are seeing miracles happen every day. This week FCOP received and unloaded 44 tons, two containers, of these delicious rice meals, which will be sent out to refuge homes throughout the country. Shanon pitched in for the whole process, which is quite a workout in 98F (37C) degree heat.

We continue to be grateful for the Manna Pack that we receive from Feed My Starving Children, Reach Now International, Lou Binninger, and Children’s Hunger Fund.  The children we care for have one of the healthiest diets in the country.  When we open a shipping container full of food, it’s like Christmas!

