I'm in "Bounce" mode! I couldn't have been flatter if I'd been run over by a go-cart, rescued by an ambulance that turned out to be a steam-roller only to have "Wiley Coyote" drop an anvil on my head. The loss of the rice crop to drought for the second straight year was a tough pill to swallow. But swallow it we did! The next day we were plowing under what appeared to be good rice, but it had no chance to produce anything.
That rice crop was the "Last Man Standing", we had several miracle rains that kept it going, but there came a time when I had to pronounce her dead, Our rice crop is no more! We started plowing 500 acres of it under July 22nd, and began replanting on the 23rd. It broke my heart to smell that "Jasmine" in the air and then turning under.
I did it again, two years in a row! It is hard to see $300,000.00 of donor money go down the drain for two straight years! I have no idea how we will recover, other than pressing on! If I could, I'd have given my life for this crop. I know that sounds melodramatic, but I have no idea how we will survive without a crop? The rice was good, but too dry, too long. Even though we had miracle rains, and it is the best looking rice in the area, at this point, to wait for a crop would be more futile than expecting an 85 year-old couple to produce offspring. Despite all this, God has a plan, but I have no clue as to what it is? This drought has affected much of SE Asia, and all of Cambodia.