Meeting the Entire Needs of the Cambodian People
FCOP International will accomplish its mission through holistic ministry.
We believe that every individual has spiritual, social, and economic needs. FCOPI seeks to address each of these needs through partnership with a diverse group of organizations.
Spiritually, this will be accomplished by evangelizing and training the people in Christian truth and by equipping “called” spiritual leaders to plant new churches. Since 1999, more than 3,200 churches have been established.Partnering with the Cambodian Foursquare Gospel Church, FCOPI seeks to meet the spiritual needs of the orphans and people of Cambodia through evangelism, discipleship and leadership training.
Socially, the Gospel will be demonstrated by teaching family values, strengthening existing family structures, traditional culture, and providing training and education according to Christian principles.In 1999 the greatest social need in Cambodia was to rescue and care for homeless orphans and separated children. The church has been proactive by feeding, housing, loving and training orphans; building facilities and assisting destitute widows. During the intervening years FCOP has raised and care for over 18,000 orphans and widows.
Partnering with organizations and individuals that support orphan rescue and care, FCOPI seeks to intervene on behalf of the orphans of Cambodia providing hope for their future and the future of their nation.
Economically, the Gospel will be demonstrated to those without clothes and daily food by assisting them to find sustainable means for meeting the physical and economic challenges they face. This will be done by providing medical care, potable water, and through the establishment of self-sustaining agricultural and income generating enterprises. Partnering with development organizations, FCOP seeks to offer immediate assistance to the destitute by providing food, clothing, medical treatment and culturally relevant job training for individuals.
Our church in Cambodia is the largest Christian denomination in the country. Yet, we have never held mass crusades. Virtually every person comes to Christ through a personal relationship with someone who cares about them enough to help them meet some kind of personal need.
Miracles, healings and new believers
We have always been a Spirit-filled organization. Cambodian believers have no stigma regarding being filled with the Holy Spirit and are fearless in the face of spiritual opposition. Virtually every Cambodian believes in spiritual realities. However, they simply do not know who is in charge. When Spirit-filled Christians confront demonic entities, miracles happen. Cambodia has seen every miracle in the book of Acts. Six people have been certified as raised from the dead, blind eyes have been opened, deaf ears now hear and the lame walk. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Our network of churches have ongoing baptism events all throughout the year. Most events are held on a district level and take place in a local river or pond. When outside funding is available, baptisms are held at the beach and also include a trip to the Royal Palace.
Pastoral Leadership Conference
Every spring, thousands of Foursquare pastors and leaders from all over Cambodia come together for a week of teaching, training and encouragement in the faith. This week is designed to build up the leadership of the church so that these leaders can in turn build the church in Cambodia.
Young Lions
The Foursquare Youth are taking the country by storm. Our children are growing up and as they do, they are turning their generation to Christ. At least once a month, a group of youth travel to a rural church and hold a youth evangelism crusade or a music concert with testimonies and a call for new believers. They are bringing thousands of youth to Christ, baptizing them in water and in the Holy Spirit. Cambodia is coming to Christ, and our youth are leading them!
Christmas and Easter Celebrations
Christmas is by far the largest Christian event in Cambodia. In 1998, it was impossible to buy a Christmas tree in Cambodia. Now, due to the influence of the church, the stores in Phnom Penh decorate with all the styles of those in the west, even though most here still do not know what it signifies. Curiosity has caused thousands of non-believers to seek out events which explain the meaning of the day Jesus Christ was born. Every year, Christmas turns out to be our most fruitful evangelistic period.
Easter has been largely neglected as a Christian holiday due to the crucifixion and suffering of Jesus Christ. It has been too close to the pain brought by the Pol Pot genocide. However, in 2011, we decided it was time to emphasize the resurrection and turn Easter into a huge celebration. Since then, more than 50,000 people have come to Christ through the Easter services held around the country.
Proclaimers (Faith comes by hearing)
Many Cambodians, especially the older generation, are audible learners. The “Proclaimer” dramatized audio Bible, available in two versions, is used in many locations around the country. The unit is solar powered, but may also be run by a power cord or batteries. Several pastors, who are illiterate, use the proclaimers in their preaching.
Pastoral Training
The amazing growth of the Foursquare Church in Cambodia has created a great need for pastoral training. These churches have responded to this challenge by establishing a comprehensive “Training All Pastors” program. Every month key leaders meet together for a week of intensive training. Then, they travel around the country passing on what they have learned by conducting training sessions for the rural pastors and church members. They are also known for their miraculous healings and deliverance ministry.
Church Planting
With us, everything begins with, stays with and ultimately ends with the church. Every effort in our holistic outreach has one purpose: to build the church of Jesus Christ in Cambodia. Beginning with one congregation in 1999, we have added nearly 500 churches each year. We have witnessed, experienced and partnered with Cambodians who want to see a God of action.
The National Training Center at Chom Chao
The National Training Center is a miracle in and of itself. It was built with the anonymous donation of a Buddhist woman who gave $600,000 knowing that its primary purpose was to lead people to Christ. The center has served to train pastors, caregivers, doctors, computer techniciaans, English instructors, classical performers and artisans, auto and tractor mechanics, as well as fish production and incubator manufacturing. It is the site of our clinic which ahs cared for the medical and dental needs of thousands. And, the center is home to our Women’s Dormitory, which provides a safe haven for women working in the local garment factories.
Prison Ministry
We have been sending pastors into prisons around Cambodia for the past four years and the response is phenomenal. Prisons in rural areas are especially neglected. Since most prisoners are illiterate, the the pastors have introduced the Lord through a comic book format and the Proclaimer, a solar powered audible Bible, which plays the Bible in two translations.
Marriage Conference
Most marriages are arranged in Cambodia. Very little is taught on the subject prior to the wedding and a lot of misconceptions come with that program. We have partnered with New Life Church from Washington State in the US to present an annual marriage conference. The results are exceptions.
Statement of Faith
The Holy Bible is God’s word, Divinely inspired, written by God through human agents for the benefit of all humankind; revealing who He is and how He relates to us in all issues to which it speaks.
In the Triunity (Trinity), three Persons in one God, consisting of Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
God is the creator of the universe, creating both the seen (physical) and the unseen (spiritual) realms, and God the creator is also the giver of life, designing humankind to live in unity with the Trinity and with one another.
Through the deception of Satan in the Garden of Eden, humankind fell from grace and relationship and into separation from God.
God the Father loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth as a man born of a virgin, yet retaining the Divinity of God, who, while living a sinless life, was rejected and betrayed by man to be crucified and die on the cross, thereby paying the penalty for sin of all who believe in Him and restoring our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
The death of Jesus Christ on the cross provides complete atonement for all sins for all who choose to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord through faith, and believe in His resurrection from the dead; they are “Born Again”, and being Born Again, become the children of God and have entered into eternal life.
Jesus physically rose from the dead, was seen by, and interacted with many eyewitnesses, and Jesus has now ascended back into Heaven from where He originally came. Jesus is currently seated in Majesty, Power and Authority alongside the Father in Heaven and has sent the Holy Spirit to earth to empower all who will receive Him. The entire Trinity is in personal relationship with us through both Prayer and Fellowship.
Jesus is the judge of all of humankind’s thoughts, intentions, and actions and He is just, wise, and merciful in His judgment. His will is for all people to be in unity with one another and with the Triune God. Those who reject His grace will face the judgment of eternal separation from God.
Jesus will soon physically return to rule over the earth in millennial reign.