Dental Rescue

As the largest orphan care provider in Cambodia, we have endured the UNICEF proctoscope. It wasn't pleasant, but it did do us some good; they helped us root out some malignant practices. Weak links can be: bad habits, poor administration, incompetent people or insufficient supplies.  But, all 23 of our "Memorandums of Understanding," are being approved - one for each province.We are a far healthier organization due to this microscopic inspection. However, some things are beyond ridiculous, like having the caregiver sign and thumbprint a document every time a child brushes their teeth. Jesus had more than 5,000 show up for dinner with just a few fish and a couple of loaves of bread on hand, somehow they all got fed.We had a surprise inspection of a key home that was about as well equipped as Jesus' pantry when a small army of officials showed up. We'd have been in trouble, but we'd done all we could, and God did his part. Guess who was there doing a dental clinic for every surrounding church home? Dr. Mike and Medical Teams International. One of the key leaders of Social Concerns left saying, "Even the King of Cambodia can't get a foreign dentist to come clean his teeth and you do this for orphans!"[nggallery id=912]


Music Miracles


The Harvest That Had To Happen