Development of Cambodia
Rice is the economic key. It is the answer to sustaining the ministry to the orphaned and separated children. Not only raising rice to feed them, but to lift the entire economy. Last year FCOP raised almost half of our annual support in Cambodia, but to secure the work, we need to develop a rice farm that can serve as a model for development and provide for our kids. This needs to be done and I need some help! There is plenty of water to raise three crops per year in Cambodia. It’s just that it usually arrives from August through October. We’ve learned to both harvest and plant in the middle of the heavy monsoon rains. It is not easy, but it can be done. We’ve had to learn how to dry in sunlight and gather the dried rice when rain is coming with a vengeance by using a commercial snow-blower, then finish drying it in steel bins with drying fans heated by the engine coolant and the exhaust of our electrical generator. Take a look at these recent shots.
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