
How do you define "Faithful"? I would simply say "Leng Narin.” She is a 56 year old mother of six children who was led to the Lord about 15 years ago by two sisters who were pastoring one of our church homes on an island in the Mekong River.  These women were later deceived into following a cult from Korea. One of their strange beliefs is that Jesus came back to Korea and died there. Strange! The main lure they used was free education for children. Anyway, Leng Narin stayed faithful and began ministering in Snule, a district in East-Central Cambodia, while being mentored by Pastor Som Art, who is now our General Supervisor. She has a daily schedule for visiting the various church groups she has planted and even drives her own "Iron Buffalo" to pick up members for her main service at Snule.  She is constantly ministering healing and deliverance to sick and oppressed people. She saw three miraculous healings last month. If you follow her around you get the feel for an 'apostolic anointing' that is having an ever widening circle of influence. Pastors like Leng Narin give us hope that Cambodia is actually coming to Christ.

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Don't Dance with the Devil!

