FCOP Sustainability!
If you could truly transform a nation that is non-believing, into a Christ centered country; what would it be worth? Now, this video doesn't speak much about expanding the kingdom of God, because I'm trying to catch some secular stars. But, it is all about building the kingdom of God in Cambodia. It's a lousy quality "selfie", but it is from the heart. I'm not talking about some mystical, ethereal wand waving, but a hard fought and proven, working program, would you sacrifice to see it happen? We are half way there! More than that. We have a promised matching grant of $750,000US, and all the infrastructure of 19 years of FCOP history, now we have to find the matching funds. That's only 30 churches, businesses, or individuals giving, $25,000 each, or you could buy a used bull-dozer, excavator, truck, chain scraper, 100 people, businesses, or churches, building 100 meters of deep canal, water pumps, sluice gates, fertilizer, new seed varieties, etc. We'd be on a stellar landing! But how about this? You not only establish a sustainable support system for the orphans of Cambodia could save dozens of bankrupted farmers from loosing everything, give them half the value of their land to start over, along with training in a new career raising livestock, mushrooms, fish or fruit, and help FCOP set up the model for showing them how to pool their assets and greatly increase their income. There is a serious problem with agricultural loan defaults. The crop failures due to flood in 2017 have only compounded this problem after three consecutive crop failures. Many farmers will lose their houses and land. It can become a big social problem for the rural community. FCOP is in the unique place of being able to help them, and you are the ones who hold the keys. The stars can come into alignment! (Watch Video)