Greatest Lessons for the Next Generation

Devotion to God, serving others, work, study, developing healthy habits, impacting one’s community, and learning to socially integrate with local culture are important life lessons. With the kids being out of school, and not being able to travel away from our refuge centers we’ve been blessed to be able to maintain some sort of normalcy throughout this past year as we’ve dealt with multiple lockdowns. Thankfully our kids are able to play together and are not suffering the isolation that many other children throughout the world are facing. We’ve kept them busy doing various activities such as planting gardens, cleaning and organizing our vast inventory of dance costumes used by our traditional dance teams, making homemade crafts, and even painting wooden toy cars that will be sent to the provinces with children’s ministry materials to help pastors and leaders evangelize to children in their communities. 

A great blessing that has arisen out of this time is that it has allowed for deep conversations and growth to take place. Two weeks ago during Friday night prayer, our general supervisor was teaching our kids from Matthew 6 about Jesus healing the Centurion’s servant. He told them that when we pray for the healing of those that are sick, we need to pray with the faith that the Centurion had knowing that Jesus was able to heal even from a distance. After the prayer time was over, one of our 12-year-old girls told a staff member, “When I prayed for healing for all of those that are sick, I had faith like that man did. I believe tomorrow there will be no more COVID.” We don't believe that anyone died that next day. Those are the greatest lessons our kids can be learning during this time. Even in what may seem like an impossible situation, we have faith and we continue to serve a good God.

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Child Trafficking


A History Lesson