Sustainability is Key
Twenty years ago the leader of one of the largest missions in Cambodia left the country denouncing FCOP as an "Unsustainable Work". He may yet prove to be correct, but in the mean time we have rescued and raised over 20,000 Cambodian orphan children, started more than 6,000 churches and home groups and seen more than one million Cambodians come to Christ. It costs us almost three times as much to raise a child in 2019 as it did in 1999, mainly due to the rise in the cost of labor. In 1999 we could get staff to come and work for free just by offering food, clothing and shelter. Now, factory workers make close to $200 per month. Everything has gone up accordingly from education to maintenance. We have not raised the price of our external support since 1999 and this is due to producing more locally, and cultivating local support. We have a long way to go but producing more and more of our own food has been a big part of this. February was a month of "Prahoak" production, which is pickled and fermented fish. Yes, you read that right. It's a great way to store protein without refrigeration. We still struggle every month and need your continued help! Thank you to our faithful donors!
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