CNN is giving 24-hour coverage to the Coronavirus scare where, as of this morning, about 17,000 people have come down the disease and 360 people have died; one outside of China. We have one active case in Cambodia. I would like to remind you that in 2019, just in the US, it's impossible to know how many people got sick, but it’s reported that 600,000 people had to seek medical treatment for the flu (also a respiratory virus) and 50,000 died. Worldwide, 646,000 died; 646 THOUSAND in one year! Yet, no one panicked. Now, a billion or more people are wearing masks (which don't work for healthy people because the Coronavirus is 15 microns in diameter and the holes in the mask are 30 microns... let alone the huge holes between the sides of the masks and the wearer's skin). It’s kind of like trying to stop the spray from a garden hose with a screen door. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being wasted. Masks would be best used for the sick by helping sneezing people from spraying droplets. Economies are coming to a halt, which hurts poor people profoundly (Ex. the old lady on the street can't sell flowers from her cart and is going hungry). Sorry, but it shows how people don't understand risk. We should be advanced enough so that we don't engage in group-think. Compliments of the hysteria of CNN and others. We continue to pray and believe God for the Coronavirus to stop spreading and for health to be restored.