The Big Hurdle

When we finally funded the Rice Farm three years ago, we thought we’d won this battle. But, we were dealt a game-changing setback over the past three years with the construction of 200+, Chinese funded, hydroelectric dams. These will continually dry up the Cambodian river systems, at times water is needed the most. Since the geology in this area of Cambodia does not support wells, the solution is large-scale reservoir construction to replace the supplemental river irrigation, which was originally conceived. This is a huge hurdle which must be cleared. Additional funding is needed to create the water reservoir, canals and dike capacity needed to produce three crops per year.  Once completed, the rice enterprise production project will have the ability to become the primary source of support for the ministry.  This must be accomplished before Mak Sou and Pa Thom can pass the leadership baton. "I'm not getting any younger!", says Pa Thom. FCOP needs to raise $750,000. Please pray for us!
Well, another March is upon us and with it the prospect of planting a rice crop with no resources. God is our source and we will make it, but if you read this far, you have to be committed to FCOP, so please consider being part of the answer! God bless you and have a great month!
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Canadians to the Rescue

