Christmas in January
With hundreds of Foursquare Churches holding Christmas celebrations and Dec 25 not at official holiday in Cambodia, our churches spread out celebrating the biggest event in the Christian calendar over almost two months. From early December until January 19th, large Christmas celebrations were held at multiple locations every week. Cambodian's don't give Christmas gifts (a bad habit of commercializing something sacred, and a feature we could never afford), but churches do enjoy a great time celebrating Christ's birthday and sharing a meal together. Every year I get forlorn comments of deep sympathy for our kids not receiving any presents. Honestly, they are in total joy at Christmas, for the right reasons. We don't need shoeboxes full of yo-yo's and shiny toys to take our eye off of what is important. Please! Don't feel sorry for us, and don't ruin us by sending gifts we don't need. If you want to give a gift that will change lives forever, consider giving towards the purchase of school uniforms for our 2,500 kids. I guess you could say we are like flies born in a vinegar jug. We think it's pretty sweet in here because we've never been anywhere else. So, allow us to stay in blessed, and much less expensive, ignorance.
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