Devils Don't Just Disappear

We do a lot of deliverance in Cambodia and that is probably one of the least understood "power gifts" in the Bible for most of the world, yet here it is one of the most needed. Demons come in many ranks and powers. They can be bound, cast out and sent to dry places, but they cannot be destroyed or killed. Somehow they seem to wiggle loose and often reappear. We have a 'principality' and/or 'power of the air' that we have to deal with frequently at our rice farm in Balang. This demon has physically manifested multiple times and has been seen by several of our workers. He inhabits an ancient grave site that is a protected heritage site we can't legally destroy, so we bind him with the Bible by placing "Proclaimers" (Audible Bibles) on the corners of his one-acre sanctuary. This kept him bound for months, but recently he manifested. In an obvious attempt to kill Paul Mok (our rice farm manager), the demon pushed him into a concrete irrigation sluice box. God must have had an angel catch Paul as he was able to recover his balance. These devils have a lot to do with our weather and flooding as well. It's a constant battle, but we know how to fight them.

The repairs from the flood damage are ongoing and all-weather roads are one of the key infrastructure projects we need to complete. We just finished patching up some washed out sections of road which we will replace with culverts in the dry season. Right now we have about 500 acres (200 hectares) of rice to harvest and the crews at the farm are busy rebuilding our electric generators for our rice drying bins. Please pray for the safety of our crew and an abundant harvest with a good price.

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Healed to Die


The Big Chill