Frogs From Heaven
We need food and protein is usually the most expensive part of our diet. Frogs are quick to raise but have a big problem attracting poisonous snakes. Frog production in above ground pools has solved the problem of snakes! We'd tried raising frogs before but they attracted so many snakes they were soon all eaten. We had fat snakes but unfortunately many of them were poisonous so, we gave it up as too dangerous. I don't know why we never thought about building the ponds in one meter high plastic tanks. They work great. No snakes!
FCOP homes all over Cambodia are concerned about food shortages so, we are innovating by producing all we can. Many areas are too dry to support fish ponds, so we have built above ground plastic ponds to fill with the limited water that we collect out of depleted streams. Bedded vegetable gardens dot every home and are watered with intermittent rains and a daily water can ritual of hauling water from local streams. Gardens are planted in beds because eventually we will get rain. Please join us in praying for rain to come for these gardens and our rice farm. Our lives are depending on it!
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