Manna Pack Miracle

During the entire month of May, Cambodia has been in lockdown due to COVID-19. Food markets were forced to close, people living in red zones were unable to leave their homes (even to purchase food), and travel between provinces was prohibited. This resulted in food scarcity throughout the country with farmers unable to come to the city to sell their goods, the cost of the limited food available increasing by 30-50%, and people being fearful not knowing where their next meal might come from. We were starting to receive phone calls from our pastors throughout the country letting us know that they were getting low on rice. At the FCOP Training Center, where all supplies are received and distributed, we were down to our last 40 boxes of Manna Pack (nutritious rice meals) for all 106 Church Refuge Centers. Then, the miracle arrived. On Monday, May 24th, we received a 40-foot shipping container filled with 20 tons of Manna Pack from the USA. It's just like God to provide right on time. 

FCOP's General Supervisor, Pastor Som Art, was able to travel to areas of the country that were designated as 'red zones' and deliver rice and other supplies to our Church Refuge Centers. When he would arrive, the kids living at the center would help unload the boxes of rice and then load the truck back up with fruits and vegetables grown in the local area to bless other Refuge Centers. As a family, we care for one another; each giving as they are able. We thank God for His faithfulness and for the generosity of our partners at Gleanings for the Hungry, Feed My Starving Children, Children's Hunger Fund, and Reach Now International.

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