Prey Khmer Refuge Center

Prey Khmer Refuge Center was established in 2004 in the province of Kampong Chhnang.  Because of its strategic location, this route was heavily land-mined by the Khmer Rouge during the 1970s. Although most of the mines have been cleared over the years, a number of children in the home are there due to the death of one or both parents from mine explosions. This past month our team went to replace the old electrical lines. The original wiring was too small and began causing problems. Acid rain eats through steel roofing in 3 years. This causes major problems at all of our refuge centers and is due to the thousands of coal fired electrical plants built by China.  Acid rain eats through even lower grade stainless steel causing damage to elements of the home including roofs, balconies, and stairs. FCOP staff made the necessary repairs and installed a brand new balcony which the home can enjoy for at least ten years.

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