Singapore Team
These students really worked! We hear a lot of concerns about the wealthy children of "Generation Z" being lazy, self absorbed and living in the cyber-world of their cellphones. A group of 26 students and teachers led by Ruth Deibler from ICS (International Community School) in Singapore came to redo our fence line at the Toul Domnak church home in Kampong Thom. A group of students from the same school built the original fence at the same church home 8 years ago but a village road was widened along one complete side of our home, taking one meter of the property. The kids proved their work ethic through some of the hottest weather in the last couple of years. Thank you to ICS in Singapore for the annual teams! We received this letter from Jessica Shin (one of the students) "I am a 16 year old Korean girl living in Singapore. I visited FCOP orphanage in Phnom Penh and Toul Domnak during my service trip in school approximately a week ago, and my experience with kids in both places made a huge impact on determining my future career (that I want to work in Cambodia as a social worker, hopefully in FCOP)”. Jessica, may your hope become faith realized!
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