Three Amigos
October 2018 marks twenty years for Sou and I in Cambodia. When three young girls arrived at our training center in 2005, Sou and I had already been in Cambodia for seven years. Two of the three are twins and the third girl is about the same age. They have been inseparable friends for 13 years. Yesterday, September 30th, one of them became formally engaged at the end of our worship service to "Rat' (my nickname for Virath), a boy we also raised all these years. He is now going to school and serving as a worship leader. It is absolutely amazing to travel the country, and virtually anywhere I go, I run into young adults, whom I seldom recognize. They will cry out after me, "Pa Thom, Pa Thom, I'm xxxx from the xxxx church. Do you remember me? I'll lie and say, "Sure, how are you doing"? Often, they are married and introduce me to their children and spouse. It's enough to make you feel old. Some of the early kids we took in are well into their thirties. Time flies!
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