Tluk Yule
The Tluk Yule home is located in the Rural area of Kompong Chhnang province.Kompong Chhnang, the only city in the province, is about 40 km distant and has a population of about 45,000 which makes up about 10 percent of the population. Within the province there is less than a 60% literacy rate and only 6.5% of the population has attended secondary school. Almost 45% of the population is under 14 and 40 % of the women over 40 are widows. Only 6% of the homes have toilets which is just one of the reasons for the poor state of health care in the region. Most of the population is involved in subsistence rice production with livestock production consisting of a few chickens, a couple of pigs and possibly a cow or team of oxen.
Death due to childbirth, landmines, violence, and diseases such as malaria, dysentery, dengue fever, and AIDS are the main contributors to an overwhelming orphan population. With the highest HIV infection rate in Asia, death due to A.I.D.S is becoming the number one cause of orphaned children in Cambodia.
The Cambodian Mines Action Committee (CMAC), which is the primary mine removal agency in Cambodia.., has been working in the province for eight years. Much of the province has been cleared of mines but a number of children in the homes are there due to death of one or both parents from mine explosions.