Bring On The Teams

Everyone around the globe has had to endure the effects of COVID-19 and adjust to life with regulations. One of the impacts on FCOP, which we have detailed ongoing, has been the inability to have teams come. For the first time in over 2 years, it looks like there might be a way. In March 2022, the Cambodian government announced two important changes; first, no pre-flight COVID test is required to travel to Cambodia, and second, no testing on arrival. This applies to vaccinated travelers only.

This is great news for FCOP! Visiting teams play an essential role in our fight against human trafficking and poverty. FCOP provides the infrastructure to be able to care for orphaned, abandoned and at-risk children in safe, loving environments located all around Cambodia. It is within this framework that teams can provide a spark of joy that helps the children remember that God loves them, knows their name, and has a plan for their life. As teams participate alongside our local staff in a service project, the children are given a tangible example of God’s love for them. Bring on the teams! 

In the midst of a vacuums of teams, our Cambodian staff has made every effort to “Jimmy-rig”, paste, and patch as much as possible with maintenance needs at our 100+ locations around the country. Just this month, we sent out three teams to meet needs at our Church Community Centers. They gave a facelift to the front of our church at Bok Roteh, making it visible from the street again. At Tumnup Church and Rom Dule Church (located in different parts of Cambodia) our staff rebuilt and expanded the cafeterias to accommodate their expanding ministry and events.
