

It’s got to be the most quoted “unquote” in the Bible: “God helps those who help themselves.” The only problem with it is that it is not in the Bible, but there is some validity to the words. It’s not that God needs our help, He just wants us to exercise our faith and take action, which is often a lot of hard work. It is like that with almost everything we do here. We want to see Cambodia come to Christ, but the work of training, meeting the social, economic and spiritual needs of those you are trying to reach is a hard slog. We love it when God heals, delivers and does the miraculous. But honestly, these are the exceptions. Miracles, signs, and wonders are the short cut to glory, and most of our works got a kick-start through something supernatural. After a miracle we have to move forward in faith, and that takes grindingly hard work. We’re 1/2 done with the translation of our catechism for our churches. It’s been a lot of work, but it will help establish the faith for generations. Naret, our FCOP Admin starter is heading up the effort and, Dr. Lina is doing the proofing. We have the money for 5,000 copies initially but will eventually need many more.
