Changed Lives

Cutting away a “Sigh Gata” shows that the new believer is really serious about following Christ.

Lest you think that this means I have a peaceful life of tranquility, let me assure you that this is not true. Fact: The level of blessing and fruitfulness of an event  in the kingdom of God is directly proportional to the amount of trouble and opposition you have in achieving it. Cambodia is coming to Christ. We were still celebrating Christmas in many of the rural churches during January. In excess of 30,000 people came to Christ, but what then? They need to learn who their new God is and how to minister in His power by the Holy Spirit.

We know people are serious about Christ when they cut off the “Sigh Gata’s” (a string with enchantments written on brass or silver rolled around them to keep the barer from all sorts of maladies). We take follow up seriously and so here are a few shots. These devils don’t like being displaced.
