China’s ‘Chicken Poop’ Addition

Look at the map above: The CCP likes to think of themselves as a dragon, but the map above looks more like a giant chicken! And, that proceeding out of the west side? Like a spurt of chicken excrement!

After 20 years, 2500 American lives, and two trillion dollars, the USA is leaving Afghanistan in disgrace and chaos; handing everything over to the best equipped enemies in the world, courtesy of the US taxpayer. Few people realize that China shares a short strip of border (through a long neck) with Afghanistan. As the US flees in defeat, China has walked in the back door. Without expending any blood or treasure, China picked up all the marbles. By connecting with the Afghan and Iranian railroads, the “Belt and Road Initiative” has grown by almost 2,000 miles. The world has lost faith in American resolve. To Cambodians, Kabul, Afghanistan in August 2021, looks a lot like Phnom Penh, Cambodia in April 1975.

It appears as though China, specifically, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is best positioned to be the “last man standing” in this global game. The true enemy is “Evil”, although this “Globalist” force involves several allies. The CCP greatly profits from forced organ harvesting, but are revolted at some of the extremes of their “Globalist” allies. China rejects critical race theory, multi-culturalism, sexual perversion, pedophilia, the elimination of the nuclear family, and child trafficking. However, since these forces work toward the destabilization of nations and enhancement of the one world government which China seeks, the CCP will tolerate the perversions of their ‘useful idiots’ in the West until victory is achieved. 

A “Globalist” dominated US government embraces fraudulent elections, allows students to wear shoes to school dedicated to Satan but not take their Bible, accepts the most vulgar music lyrics while condemning Dr. Seuss, enables child trafficking at the border, quietly accepts the conquest of Hong Kong, allows incursions into Taiwan airspace, a military takeover of Myanmar, encourages nations without borders, genetic alteration through vaccinations, random gender selection, racial identity politics, unlimited abortion, corrupt politicians, blackmailed courts, erasure of history, and an incompetent executive leadership.

This is why FCOP is fixed in our faith that, “God will not allow this to stand!” What the Cambodians (as well as citizens of many foreign countries) cannot understand is why the US Church is so silent about all this? With few exceptions, the US Church looks a lot like the German Lutheran Church of WWII. 
