Toul Neing Siole

Toul Neing Siole

This home is located in the Kompong Thom Province just North of Phnom Penh. The closest big city is Phat San Dai, about an hour away.

Construction of the home began dedicated in June of 2007. It is the first church of its kind in that it actually floats on water. Bamboo is bound together, interlocking with a container that holds a pocket of air. This allows the structure to float above water. Many homes and businesses are designed in this manner because it allows for commerce to flourish in areas where it would not normally be possible.

This densely populated plain is devoted to wet rice cultivation and constitutes the heartland of Cambodia. Approximately seventy five percent of the country lies at elevations of less than 100 meters above sea level and is most often covered by water.

Most people live in small house boats and travel from different floating communities selling and trading goods and services. Boats are an essential part of their livelihood because everything is located on the water. There are floating schools, a floating market, and even a floating hospital. There was a great need for the Tul Neing Siole Church Orphan Home in this area. One of the goals of the church home is to serve throughout the community by floating the Church to different areas.

Every morning, the children from the home begin their day with morning devotions. After a time of Bible study, worship and prayer, they eat breakfast. Some go to school on a boat in the morning, and others attend school after lunch. When the children are not in school, they might help with house chores, take a nap, or play. They enjoy swimming and other traditional Cambodian games and dances.

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