

The Jaw Orphan Home is located in the Takeo Province near the provincial capital.The area around the home was once a small re-location camp for war survivors and amputees. The Takeo Province is also famous for having the only animal zoo, outside of Phnom Penh.The villagers in this area find it difficult to produce a good rice crop because the quality of the land is poor. Many have started raising flowers to sell in Phnom Penh and others run small poultry farms. They are very hard workers, but often are not able to generate enough income to support their families. Due to the lack of employment opportunities in this area, people are forced to look for other means of income. More than half of the children accepted into the Jaw Home have watched their parents struggle and die from HIV/Aids.

First thing each morning, the children awake to pray. Then, they water the home’s plants and clean around the home. After breakfast, some of the children go to the government school while the children who attend school in the afternoon have an English class and play until lunchtime. All the children meet back at the home to eat lunch. The children who went to school in the morning have a little while to relax and play after lunch, before they study English in the home. The other children go to the school soon after lunch. After school, the children play together until dinner. After dinner, they have an evening devotional and review their lessons before going to sleep.

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