Elvis Lives!


Ma and Pa Thom, “You have to still love me!”

Are you one of those grouches that think Elvis is dead? If so, you probably don’t believe in the Easter Bunny, and poor Santa has been sent straight to hell. That’s alright, I still love you religious people! You just really do need to come to Cambodia.

The truth is that I’m a little ticked off at Elvis myself. He almost broke up my marriage. We are supposed to love our wives, right? I mean, they are supposed to be our best friends, correct? I was convinced I was “spot-on” in both categories. Now, I have about 2000 Facebook friends, but I confess I am a lousy “facebook-er”. I’m lucky if I open it once per week. My wife has close to a thousand Facebook friends, she checks her’s a little more often than I. It just so happened when I posted Elvis’s picture, I asked her, “Did you get it?” We discovered that neither one of us were “friends” with each other on Facebook.  Oh! The pain of the sin of omission!

It’s called “Elvis’s Lost Song.” I know some of you don’t believe Elvis sang it. That’s OK! I still love you too. We had our “Elvis” translate the words and present it at our big Easter Service at Cham Chao, so many people were born again that we hardly had room for them. It was a great service, and it is a good song, in English, as well as Cambodian:  YouTube Link
