Expanding God’s Kingdom

From the day we landed in Cambodia back in 1998, our goal and mission has remained the same; to establish and expand the Kingdom of God in Cambodia. Since that time, Mak Sou and I haven’t stopped living in the Book of Acts. All throughout the country, FCOP churches are seeing signs, wonders and miracles, the oppressed set free, and lives forever changed. 

While Mak Sou and I might not be out in the villages as much as we used to, the leaders we’ve trained, discipled, and released are being highly effective and we get the benefit of seeing the spiritual fruit of our labor. The Cambodian Foursquare Church has seen entire regions, where great percentages of the population have come to know Christ, through the demonstration of God’s power in signs wonders and miracles. FCOP continues pastor / leader training, and FCOP pastors are often walking on foot through jungles, ferrying motorcycles over flooded rivers and washed out roads, and even sleeping in open fields just to share the Gospel with those who haven’t yet heard the Good News of Jesus.

There is a famine for the real power of God as well as the Word of God, therefore, we are instilling in our churches the importance of knowing, living, and breathing the power of the Holy spirit. 
