Hot Time

Fire in the Chhuk home caused by contractor accident - Everyone OK though

A ‘hot time’ was had at the Chhuk ChurchHome. We just got done refurbishing the place and noticed that a persisting roof leak was caused by a structural weakness in the roof trusses. A contractor came and was welding on some truss reinforcement steel when a spark flew through the ceiling hatch and ignited a mattress.

The entire top floor was burned ruining all the beds, clothing and personal effects of the kids. Pastor So Sonet also kept the funds for monthly support in a steel strongbox, which was not insulated, $6000 was turned into ashes. Fortunately no one was hurt, and relief supplies were sent the next morning. Our contractor realized he was at fault and offered to help as much as possible, but there is no insurance for this in Cambodia.

The ministry of Social Concerns helped us with emergency blankets for the first night, and the Living Water Church raised $4000 to help with the rebuilding, which is now nearing completion. Its great to have a family when you get into trouble!
