It’s Been a Long Time

“The Anointing Will Break the Yoke” was our conference theme. It has been eight years since we have called all FCOP pastors for a conference. In the past, we’d opted for regional meetings since we didn’t have a big enough venue or budget for thousands of pastors and leaders. In addition, it has been impossible to obtain a government permit for such a large meeting. This year was different in that the government wanted to see our pastors and determine if we are “real” and have a presence in all the provinces. We passed the test and the government officials who came to speak were impressed at our Chom Chao facility and the spirit of unity. They mandated that we host the assistant director of the ‘Ministry of Cults and Religion’ (we are reconsidered a cult as the ‘True Religion’ in Cambodia is deemed to be Buddhism) and it cost FCOP $500 for them to come and ‘address’ us. We asked our pastors to pay their own way since money is so tight. Those who are bi-vocational, which is most of our ‘Home Church’ leaders, were unable to come due to work or expenses, but 300 took part, and many watched online. Our leaders decided to celebrate “25 Years of FCOP”, since Sou and I came here in 1998. Those who attended were in a celebratory mood, they slept on mats in our Training Center without grumbling and enjoyed fellowship and encouragement and left with their batteries re-charged. We cooked our own meals, and no one left the conference area. The teaching centered on equipping the pastors with the power of the Holy Spirit to destroy the devil’s works, thus continuing Christ’s ministry. That is what we are doing.
