Lame Leading Blind

Lame-Leading-Blind-2It was a case of the “Lame leading the blind”. Mak Sou had a bout of extreme blood pressure attacks, so we took her to a specialist in Hong Kong. Since Sou had hurt her knee in a fall at the market in Phnom Penh, she wanted me to go with her. Since I was there in Hong Kong, and I’d wanted to get my cataracts taken off for years, I had that done along with a physical. I not only got new lenses for my eyes, but the doctor discovered that I had the lowest vitamin D level she’d ever seen. Talk about unbelievable! With my “farmers tan” and the amount of time I spend outside, I could not believe it! My body must not make the stuff. Anyway, I got put on vitamin D, received new eye lenses, and Mak Sou found she had a bleeding polyp in her stomach. The doctors cut that out and put her on a strong regiment of antibiotics to kill the bacteria that caused it. We are both feeling much better! As I had my eyes bandaged for a day, we were quite a sight, Mak with her leg in a brace leading me blindly around the streets of Hong Kong.
