Miracle Number Four

Our rice farm equipment is old and repairs are constant with the combines needing $35,000US just in parts to fix our worn-out machines. We have 65 hectares (160 acres) of good rice to combine this month. I prayed! A large farmer about 40 kilometers from our rice farm went bankrupt and it turns out he had bought three new larger rice combines last year and was losing them to the bank. They cost over $50,000 each and he only owed the bank $14,000 each. We could get all three for $42,000, but how do you ask for money for rice combines? God put a pastor on my mind who had been a farmer. I prayed in tongues for three hours and felt the Lord nudge me to message him. After I sent that message, I was really in distress. The devil was beating me up over my ‘unspiritual’ request and I was just ready to send an apology when the pastor responded that he was wiring $42,000 in the morning. We now have three good combines that are ready to work.
