Month of Miracle

“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). I have discovered something about discouragement… it can be lethal without the power of God. In December, we were hit with a mandate to supply all new school uniforms (a $54,000US expense) or face being closed down. I couldn’t imagine the 2,500 young lives that depend upon FCOP being cast to the mercy of governmental agencies and the end of the FCOP ministry. In 24 years, we have never been able to supply all new uniforms all at one time. I kept up a brave front externally but internally, I was in anguish like Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10). Inflation has greatly increased our expenses (especially for raising orphaned and separated children), while giving is challenged by financial pressure all over the world. So, I did what Hannah did in 1 Samuel 1:13, “Now Hannah spoke in her heart: only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. …” I believe I averaged at least 5 hours per day praying in the Spirit throughout December and January and an amazing thing happened. Though nothing physically had changed after praying in the Spirit, like Hannah, (1 Sam 1:18b) my ‘face was no longer sad’.  God moved people to give. Multiple churches and individuals (some of them generous beyond belief) responded from all over the world and the uniforms were purchased.
