No Fear

A python killed at FCOP’s office grounds.

To alter a few quotes:

“And though he be but little, he is fierce!” -Wm. Shakespeare

“You don’t tug on superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old lone ranger
And you don’t mess around with “Spud”! –Jim Croce

My wife Sou had a dream about a giant snake trying to destroy us, after quite a struggle, she chased it off but didn’t kill it. Then, right in front of our office, three days ago, this 15 foot Python snake appears, and I see Spud, our little Jack Russell dog, take on this snake that weighed ten times what he did. Granted our staff dispatched it with a mattock hoe, but Spud took that snake on! The workers enjoyed barbecued snake that night. It was a sign! That ‘David and Goliath’ thing. My faith was refreshed. If Spud could take on giants, why was I afraid?  We still lack the rain we need, and our money coming in is not what is required, yet, I know it is going to work out! As you’ll see in the last paragraph, my brother helped me as well.
