Offering for Philippines

The Cambodia Foursquare churches take offerings to help those in need in the Philippines.

The Cambodia Foursquare churches take offerings to help those in need in the Philippines.

The Philippines had devastating hurricane damage in November 2013. According to the International Monetary Fund, Philippinos make a per capita income of $2,600 per year; Americans $51,700; and Cambodians $926.

Cambodia had devastating floods,  but nothing as bad as the Philippines, so the Cambodian Church took an offering for the Philippines. FCOP Church members make far less than the average income as most are considered poor by Cambodian standards, but they raised $2400.

That may seem small, but that would be the equivalent of the US church giving $134,000, (I’m sure they’ve done much more that) when just comparing per capita incomes, but in addition, the Cambodians gave out of their own need while making less than 2% of the income of a US citizen. I am proud of them.
