Prophecy Fulfilled

Here is a prophetic word that is coming true. Bill Norton said, “Your resources should start coming from Cambodia”. That’s why we seek to develop the rice farm. But, the above photo shows it is already happening. Pictured is a group of some of the senior church leadership from Siem Reap and Bantemeanchy provinces that I went to teach early in July. They are standing in front of a new building being 100% paid for by Cambodian members of the Siem Reap congregation. They are building a larger auditorium. With the balcony, it will be capable of seating 800 people. This new building will be the largest church auditorium FCOP has in Cambodia.

On July 7th, I spent the entire day teaching on the “Power of the Holy Spirit”. Every one of the 300 people in attendance left the meeting filled with the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues! It was a one of the most powerful meetings FCOP has had in my 24 years here. Other provinces are calling Mak Sou and begging for a similar event (they know I’ll tell them to do it). I need more days in the week!
