Rice: The Way Out

We’re looking for a good crop on the rice we had protected from flood. The Thing is we need 400 hectares (1000 acres) of protected land producing 3 crops per year, and that takes a grant of $1,500,000 to develop. Why Rice? Why this big push to develop the farm? Good questions. Common Questions. It has to do with the transition of leadership. How do Sou and I replace ourselves? That’s more than a rhetorical question when you are 70 years old and have been at the helm of a rapidly growing work for 18 years. We have a dedicated team of Cambodians at various levels of leadership, within the church, and (FCOP) the Non-Government-Organization which oversees the children’s care, property ownership, and rice production. We have a competent board but strong leadership is needed for direction and focus, or this work could be trampled.
The biggest hurdle is supporting the care of the orphans, widows and separated children. That takes more money than can be currently collected from the offerings of the churches. FCOP relies upon donors and it must become self sufficient for the next generation to take over. I’m a “world class beggar”, and they are hard to replace. With the blessing of God the rice farm can be the source of provision. Rice is the largest single monthly cost in feeding Cambodians. Rice is eaten several times per day by all Cambodians. There will always be a market for good rice. It takes about $2,500,000 per year to run FCOP. If FCOP had a 400 hectare rice farm, raising three 7-ton crops of rice per year, at $300/ton = $2,520,000 per year. Granted there are 35% non-recoverable production expenses, but the gross profit would be enough to sustain the work.  That’s it! That’s why!